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A ways back list: 2003

Writer: EmilyEmily

I like to take a look back to book lists of past years and remember covers that I haven't seen in a while, or books that I loved years ago. I remember when the bookstores were covered in these books. I don't know if I read any of these in 2003, except the Harry Potter one, but it was nostalgic to look over these.

2003 was a big year for me- it was the year I started grad school for a library degree. I was stuck in part-time purgatory but I liked the jobs that I got that year. I suppose that I didn't read many of these books in that year because of starting school.

Most of what I read from that year, I really liked. I read Inkheart and don't remember it at all, which is unusual for me- I just know that I read it. I also read Maisie Dobbs and liked it well enough to read a few others in the series, which is still going strong. I wasn't crazy about The Dante Club, but that's probably because I don't like historical fiction that uses real people as characters, unless maybe it's supposed to be a novelized version of their lives. But the others that I read I can recommend, and I'm looking forward to the ones I've put in my TBR.

Read it:

Pearl, Matthew- The Dante Club

Gaiman, Neil & McKean, Dave- The Wolves in the Walls

Wolitzer, Meg- The Wife

I mean to read it:

Lahiri, Jhumpa- The Namesake

Maybe someday:

Sears, Stephen W.- Gettysburg

Hosseini, Khalid- The Kite Runner

Series beginnings:

Winspear, Jacqueline- Maisie Dobbs

Funke, Cornelia- Inkheart

Hunter, Erin- Into the Wild (Warriors #1)

Atwood, Margaret- Oryx and Crake (MaddAddam, #1)

Koontz, Dean- Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas, #1)


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