Currently reading:
Up next:
Gaskell, Elizabeth- Tales of Mystery & the Macabre
King, Stephen- The Shining
Shaffer, Meg- The Lost Story
I'm usually much more into spooky season than I am this year, and I think that part of the reason why I'm not feeling it so much is that it's so hot! I keep forgetting that it's supposed to be fall- but the temperature is supposed to fall drastically tonight, and I hope we'll have had our last 80 degree day.
Also, I already had non-spooky books checked out that I needed to finish. And I've DNF'd alot lately- I got three audiobooks for a recent road trip, and none of them worked for me. One I listened to 2/3 of, and I really liked the first third, then I started getting bored a bit. When I stopped listening, I just couldn't imagine how it was going to hold out for hours longer. There was too much going on. I don't know. Maybe it was about to introduce a sixteenth supernatural plot thread that could keep it going for another third.
My hold on The Shining came through, so I'm going to read that, and I've got The Lost Story, which isn't going to be really scary I think, but sounds spooky? I'll find out.
I'm enjoying my ghost stories. I love old ghost stories. I haven't gotten very far into my book yet- I just found it in a bookstore in an unsuccessful search for a book of Edith Wharton ghost stories- but it has a good selection, I think. Some Dickens, Poe, Le Fanu. And I got the Elizabeth Gaskell book at the same place. Looking forward to that.
On Halloween, I'll have my traditional viewing of The Haunting (based on The Haunting of Hill House), and I've watched Ghostbusters. I'll have a Reece's pumpkin and probably be in the spirit when the time comes.
I'm looking forward to these books.